Thursday, October 21, 2010

An Introduction – Web Hosting & Domain Name

Web hosting is a kind of a company which gives you a space in a server for your website, and you're connected to the entire world. You can find lots of hosting companies out there so to make sure that you are getting the best deals and services, you should look and opt for some of the top web hosting providers.
Before you choose a company, some points should be kept in mind. First of all you should check company's reputation and collect some information about that company. Do some research about a few company's and their services and evaluate them according to your necessities, collect information about support and backup of that company, check companies creditability and customer services. Check how many features company gives you, how many space it provides, what is the bandwidth size, you should collect all the above information before joining any companiy's services.
Basically Hosting is a business of storing and manage Web Pages of your website. A web server holds thousands of websites, runs 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week. So web hosting is a method to earn money online.
You should take unlimited bandwidth facilities to your hosting company, so your visitors open many pages and you can load video in your site.
There are many kinds of Web hosting companies like Free web hosting companies, Reseller web hosting, VPS (Virtual Private Server) etc.
Domain Name
Domain Name is an address of a site on internet like. It is an addressing scheme assigns names and numbers to identify the computers on the Internet.
A good Domain Name is that which clarify your business or your work, for example a website which gives you information about Tennis that Domain Name must relate to Tennis like www., www. Domain Name is difficult to remember so Domain Name should be short and easy.
Some Domains are
.gov = Government agencies
.edu = Educational institutes
.org = Organizations (Non Profit)
.mil = Military
.com = Commercials Business
.net = Network Organizations
.ca = Canada
.uk = United Kingdom
.in = India

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